Inspiration left me today...

Michel FOLON, the belgian graphic artist, passed away this morning in Monaco at the age of 71. He was a very big inspiration to me, as he managed to make beauty with simple things, easy lines. His world was full of peace and was involved in many important matters such as Human Rights etc. See

Date du Cliché: 26 août 2002
Lieu: Egypte, Siwa, Désert lybique
Matériel: Canon EOS 500 - 28 mm - Fuji Superia 400

He has always been and will remain an important inspirator to my work as I was striked by the power he could bring in soft coloured waterpaintings. I remember the overwhelming feelings he gave me during his 1987 Brussels, Botanique exhibition

The above picture was named "Folon-style exercice" in the first book I edited in 2004. Pub!


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